
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Add a marquee in WebI Report using HTML components


Add a marquee in a WebI report. There will be a scrolling message inside the report. The message can be text or image.


To add marquee in a WebI Report with a simple text, follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Drag a blank cell in the report.(Template--> Free Standing Cells-->Blank Cell)
2. Enter the code below in the Formula Editor for that cell. (Click on the blank cell and then click on fx then copy the code below)

="<html><marquee direction=right
onmouseover=this.stop();onmouseout=this.start();>This is a marquee</marquee></html>"

3. Select the cell and go to Properties tab.
4. In Display section, select HTML in Read cell content as field.
5. Adjust the cell height and width to define the scroll area.
6. Save the report.

This will show a scrolling text “This is a marquee” in the defined scroll area within the WebI report when viewed in HTML report panel.

You can also send some more parameters through the formula to get required output.

="<html><MARQUEE  DIRECTION="+[Direction]+" BEHAVIOR="+[Behavior]+"
BGCOLOR="+[BkgColor]+" SCROLLAMOUNT="+[ScrollSpeed]+" ONMOUSEOVER=this.stop();

If you want a scrolling image, define the variable Content with <IMG> tag, e.g. =”<img src=URL />”.


  1. Hi, the scrolling text formula given above is not working for me.

  2. Mine worked when l was using internet explorer...didnt work in chrome

  3. Hello ! I try the same way, but is not working for me neither :(


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