This article explains how to create a HTML link that displays a value that can be clicked on to open a web page that corresponds to the value displayed.
There are two types of links that can be imbedded into a report; a URL or an HTML code snippet.
Using the URL is ungainly to display, but it can be exported to Excel. The URL is constructed in a variable to create a fully qualified (UNC or HTTP) path to the document to be opened.
For Example:
<My URL>="\\{Server name}}\{Share & folder Path}\" &<Control No>&".PDF"
Using a HTML code snippet makes a more visually pleasing hyper link and uses less space on the report. It doesn't export the Excel properly.First the cell where the link will be placed should be formatted to read as HTML.
Second build a variable using the URL above to create the HTML code.
<My HTML>="<A href=" & Char(34) & <My URL> & Char(34) & ">" & <Control No> & "</A>"
The Char(34) functions are used to place quotation marks into the string.